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September 2019 Meeting 


Our first meeting is on Tuesday September 2, and will get us back into Finnegans Wake.  Year 2 begins with the amazing section (my hands-down favorite) III.4 (555-90).  This is a spooky and magnificent section, which is why its cover image is a Black Painting by Goya.  We will just take it and read it and marvel at its bizarreness.  It is night, and the Porter parents (HCE and ALP) are preparing for bed.  Stop at 572.21 ("Honuphrius") because after that it goes haywire.  This section will take two meetings, I think.  Our meeting will take place at Strongwater Food and Spirits in our usual room, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  Strongwater is at 401 W. Town St. in Franklinton.


There will be two new doctors in attendance (Drs. Gaber and Hoffman) so be prepared to drink to their continued success.

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